NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Authentication
  • Project
  • Tasklist
  • Task
  • Time
  • Task-reminder
  • Message
  • Tag
  • Checklist
  • Channel
  • User
  • Workspace
  • Color
  • Introduction

    API Reference

    API Endpoint

    Welcome to the Taskworld API! The API enables users to query and change information in a Taskworld workspace. We highly encourage everyone to provide us with feedback, feature requests, and report bugs to help us grow and improve our API. We are currently working on improving our documentation to provide the best user experience possible.

    Taskworld is available in three regions. Please choose your API server based on your region from the below list.


    Rate Limit

    The Taskworld API and all integrations are subject to rate limiting. In general we allow applications that integrate with Taskworld to send no more than 1000 API calls per minute. If you go over these limits when using our HTTP based APIs, Taskworld will start returning a HTTP 429 Too Many Requests error.


    $curl -X POST https://{{API_PATH}}/v1/project.get-all \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "limit": 15

    Request Order


    Example Response

      "ok": false,
      "error": "invalid_auth",
      "error_description": "Invalid Authentication Token",
      "error_code": 400

    Taskworld uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, a charge failed, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Taskworld's servers (these are rare). Not all errors map cleanly onto HTTP response codes, however. When a request is valid but does not complete successfully (e.g., a task is invalid), we return a 400 error code.


    field description
    ok the status of response
    error the code of error
    error_description A human-readable message providing more details about the error.
    error_code the HTTP status code

    HTTP status code summary

    code description
    200 - OK Everything worked as expected.
    400 - Bad Request The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
    401 - Unauthorized No valid API Token provided.
    402 - Request Failed The parameters were valid but the request failed.
    404 - Not Found The requested resource doesn't exist.
    409 - Conflict The request conflicts with another request.
    429 - Too Many Requests Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential ckoff of your requests.
    500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors Something went wrong on Taskworld's end. (These are rare.)

    Errors Code

    type description
    invalid_auth Invalid authentication token
    invalid_payload Invalid payload
    invalid_space_id Invalid space ID
    invalid_project_id Invalid project ID
    invalid_tasklist_id Invalid tasklist ID
    invalid_task_id Invalid task ID
    invalid_task_title Invalid task title
    invalid_task_version Invalid task version


    Authenticate a user


    POST https://{{API_PATH}}/v1/auth

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST https://{{API_PATH}}/v1/auth \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "email": "",
           "password": "m0reM0n1th@nG0D!"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
      "default_space_id": "59eecc50b0a6a6bc831e00cf",
      "workspaces": ["59eecc50b0a6a6bc831e00cf", "59eecc50b0a6a6bc831e00da"]

    Authenticates a user using email and password. Returns an access token. We Recently introduce client concept in our API, Passing it with payload API will return you an refresh token for regenerate new access token once it expired. (Now we provide client_id, and client_secret for some users. If you’re interested, please contact us.)


    Field Default Type Description
    email required string User email address
    password required string User Password
    client_id required string Client Identifier (Optional)
    client_secret required string Client Secret (Optional)


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    access_token string Access token for authentication
    refresh_token string Return only when provied client_id ,client_secret
    default_space_id string Default Workspace ID
    workspaces array IDs of workspaces accessible

    Refresh Token


    POST https://{{API_PATH}}/v1/refresh-token

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST https://{{API_PATH}}/v1/refresh-token \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "refresh_token": "59eecc9b0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "client_id": "6bc83112d6559eecc50",
           "client_secret": "59eecc96b0a6a6bc83112d6559eecc50b0a6a6bc831e00da"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
      "refresh_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65"

    When access_token expires, you can request a new access token without asking for user credentials again by sending a refresh_token with client_id/client_secret. (Now we provide client_id, and client_secret for some users. If you’re interested, please contact us.)


    Field Default Type Description
    refresh_token required string Refresh Token
    client_id required string Client Identifier (Optional)
    client_secret required string Client Secret (Optional)


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    access_token string New Access token
    refresh_token string New Refresh Token


    Example applications can be found on our github page. Taskworld API Samples


    Create a project


    POST {{API_PATH}}/project.create

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/project.create \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "title": "Due diligence",
           "members": [
               "_id": null,
               "is_admin": null
           "is_private": true,
           "description": "A private project of Goldman Goose"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
      "title": "Due diligence",
      "description": "a private project of Goldman Goose",
      "members": [
      "is_private": true,
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z"

    Creates a project in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the project to create.
    title required string Title of project to create.
    members required array Members allowed to access the project. Use object of _id as user id and is_admin to determined rights level of the user
    .._id required string
    ..is_admin required boolean
    is_private optional boolean Whether project is public or private.
    description optional string Description of the project to create.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the project
    project_id string ID of the project
    owner_id string User ID of the project owner
    title string Title of the project
    description string Description of the project
    members array Members allowed to access the project
    is_private boolean Whether project is public or private
    created string Date project was created
    updated string Date project was updated

    Get all projects


    POST {{API_PATH}}/project.get-all

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/project.get-all \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "limit": 15

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "projects": [
          "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
          "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
          "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
          "title": "Due diligence",
          "description": "a private project of Goldman Goose",
          "members": [
          "is_private": true,
          "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
          "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z"

    Gets all projects in a given workspace


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the projects to get
    limit optional number Maximum number of projects to load


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    projects array
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the project
    ..project_id string ID of the project
    ..owner_id string User ID of the project owner
    ..title string Title of the project
    ..description string Description of the project
    ..members array Members allowed to access the project
    ..is_private boolean Whether project is public or private
    ..created string Date project was created
    ..updated string Date project was updated

    Update a project


    POST {{API_PATH}}/project.update

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/project.update \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
           "title": "My updated personal project",
           "description": "everything related to house renovation",
           "members": [
               "_id": null,
               "is_admin": null
           "is_private": true

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
      "title": "Due diligence",
      "description": "a private project of Goldman Goose",
      "members": [
      "is_private": true,
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z"

    Updates a project by project ID in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the project to update.
    project_id required string ID of project being updated.
    title optional string New Title of the project.
    description optional string New description of the project.
    members optional array New list of members that can access the project. Use object of _id as user id and is_admin to determined rights level of the user
    .._id required string
    ..is_admin required boolean
    is_private optional boolean Whether project is public or private.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the project
    project_id string ID of the project
    owner_id string User ID of the project owner
    title string Title of the project
    description string Description of the project
    members array Members allowed to access the project
    is_private boolean Whether project is public or private
    created string Date project was created
    updated string Date project was updated

    Delete a project


    POST {{API_PATH}}/project.delete

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/project.delete \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f"

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    Deletes a project by ID in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the project being deleted.
    project_id required string ID of the project being deleted.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response


    Add a task to tasklist


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.add-task

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.add-task \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
           "list_id": "59eecc84b0a6a6bc832ccb8f",
           "task_id": "59eecc75b0a6a6bc83217ba1"

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    Add a task to tasklist in a given project and workspace. This can be used to add multiple locations to a task.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tasklists.
    project_id required string Project ID of the tasklists.
    list_id required string ID of the tasklist to add the task.
    task_id required string ID of the task to add.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response

    Create a tasklist


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.create

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.create \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
           "title": "Household chores / 집안일"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "tasklist": {
        "list_id": "59eecc80b0a6a6bc833a7953",
        "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
        "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
        "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
        "title": "New tasklist",
        "is_deleted": false,
        "tasks": [
        "type": 0,
        "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
        "updated": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
        "is_private": false,
        "is_inbox": false

    Creates a tasklist in a given project.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tasklist to create.
    project_id required string Project ID of the tasklist to create.
    title required string Title of the tasklist to create.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    tasklist object A tasklist object
    ..list_id string Id of the tasklist
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the tasklist
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the tasklist
    ..project_id string Project ID of the tasklist
    ..title string Title of the tasklist
    ..is_deleted boolean Whether the tasklist is deleted or not
    ..tasks array A list of IDs of tasks in the tasklist
    ..type number Type of the tasklist
    ..created string Date tasklist was created
    ..updated string Date tasklist was updated
    ..is_private boolean Whether the tasklist is private or not
    ..is_inbox boolean Whether the tasklist is a inbox or not

    Get all tasklists


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.get-all

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.get-all \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "tasklists": [
          "list_id": "59eecc80b0a6a6bc833a7953",
          "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
          "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
          "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
          "title": "New tasklist",
          "is_deleted": false,
          "tasks": [
          "type": 0,
          "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
          "updated": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
          "is_private": false,
          "is_inbox": false

    Gets all tasklists in a given project and workspace


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tasklists to get.
    project_id required string Project ID of the tasklists to get.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    tasklists array An array of tasklists
    ..list_id string Id of the tasklist
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the tasklist
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the tasklist
    ..project_id string Project ID of the tasklist
    ..title string Title of the tasklist
    ..is_deleted boolean Whether the tasklist is deleted or not
    ..tasks array A list of IDs of tasks in the tasklist
    ..type number Type of the tasklist
    ..created string Date tasklist was created
    ..updated string Date tasklist was updated
    ..is_private boolean Whether the tasklist is private or not
    ..is_inbox boolean Whether the tasklist is a inbox or not

    Get all tasks in taskLlists


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.get-tasks

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.get-tasks \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
           "tasklist_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "onlyActive": null

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "tasklists": [
          "list_id": "59eecc80b0a6a6bc833a7953",
          "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
          "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
          "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
          "title": "New tasklist",
          "is_deleted": false,
          "tasks": [
          "type": 0,
          "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
          "updated": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
          "is_private": false,
          "is_inbox": false

    Gets all tasks in given project and workspace and taskList


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tasklists to get.
    project_id required string Project ID of the tasklists to get.
    tasklist_id required string TaskList ID
    onlyActive optional boolean should return trask only active status


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    tasklists array An array of tasklists
    ..list_id string Id of the tasklist
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the tasklist
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the tasklist
    ..project_id string Project ID of the tasklist
    ..title string Title of the tasklist
    ..is_deleted boolean Whether the tasklist is deleted or not
    ..tasks array A list of IDs of tasks in the tasklist
    ..type number Type of the tasklist
    ..created string Date tasklist was created
    ..updated string Date tasklist was updated
    ..is_private boolean Whether the tasklist is private or not
    ..is_inbox boolean Whether the tasklist is a inbox or not

    Move a task between tasklists


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.move-task

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.move-task \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
           "from_list_id": "59eecc80b0a6a6bc833a7953",
           "to_list_id": "59eecc84b0a6a6bc832ccb8f",
           "task_id": "59eecc75b0a6a6bc83217ba1",
           "after_task_id": "59eecc7cb0a6a6bc83b6c409"

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    Moves a task between two tasklists in a given project and workspace


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tasklists.
    project_id required string Project ID of the tasklists.
    from_list_id required string ID of the tasklist to move the task from (source).
    to_list_id required string ID of the tasklist to move the task to (target).
    task_id required string ID of the task to move.
    after_task_id optional string ID of the task next to the task to move. Can be used to specify the position of the task in the list. If not specified defaults to the bottom of the tasklist


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response

    Update a tasklist


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.update

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.update \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "list_id": "59eecc80b0a6a6bc833a7953",
           "title": "Updated Tasklist"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "tasklist": {
        "list_id": "59eecc80b0a6a6bc833a7953",
        "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
        "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
        "project_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
        "title": "New tasklist",
        "is_deleted": false,
        "tasks": [
        "type": 0,
        "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
        "updated": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
        "is_private": false,
        "is_inbox": false

    Updates a tasklist by tasklist ID and workspace ID.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tasklist to update.
    list_id required string ID of the tasklist to update.
    title required string New title of the tasklist to update.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    tasklist object A tasklist object
    ..list_id string Id of the tasklist
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the tasklist
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the tasklist
    ..project_id string Project ID of the tasklist
    ..title string Title of the tasklist
    ..is_deleted boolean Whether the tasklist is deleted or not
    ..tasks array A list of IDs of tasks in the tasklist
    ..type number Type of the tasklist
    ..created string Date tasklist was created
    ..updated string Date tasklist was updated
    ..is_private boolean Whether the tasklist is private or not
    ..is_inbox boolean Whether the tasklist is a inbox or not

    Delete a tasklist


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.delete

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tasklist.delete \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "list_id": "59eecc80b0a6a6bc833a7953"

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    Deletes a tasklist by ID in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tasklist to delete.
    list_id required string ID of the tasklist to delete.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response


    add tag to a task


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task.add-tag

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task.add-tag \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "tags": [

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "task": {
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "title": "Due diligence",
        "description": "This is a description for task",
        "members": [
            "_id": "59e47174fd3f50b21074ec61",
            "is_assignee": false
        "checklist": [
            "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "title": "Due diligence",
            "is_done": false,
            "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "last_toggled_user_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "assignees": [
            "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "last_toggled_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z"
        "tags": [
        "comments_count": 5,
        "color": 1,
        "points": 2,
        "status": 0,
        "start_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "due_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "completed_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "is_deleted": false

    Create a task with a specified title.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    task_id required string ID of the task
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    tags required array tag id array to add to task.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    task object A task object
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..title string Title of the task
    ..description string Description of the task
    ..members array IDs of members of the task
    ..checklist array Checklist of the task
    ..tags array Tags of the task
    ..comments_count number Count of the task comments
    ..color number Color of the task
    ..points number Points of the task
    ..status number Status of the task
    ..start_date date Start date of the task
    ..due_date date Due date of the task
    ..completed_date date Completed date of the task
    ..created date Date task was created
    ..updated date Date task was updated
    ..is_deleted boolean Whether the task has been deleted or not

    Create a task


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task.create

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task.create \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "project_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "list_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "title": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "task": {
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "title": "Due diligence",
        "description": "This is a description for task",
        "members": [
            "_id": "59e47174fd3f50b21074ec61",
            "is_assignee": false
        "checklist": [
            "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "title": "Due diligence",
            "is_done": false,
            "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "last_toggled_user_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "assignees": [
            "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "last_toggled_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z"
        "tags": [
        "comments_count": 5,
        "color": 1,
        "points": 2,
        "status": 0,
        "start_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "due_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "completed_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "is_deleted": false

    Create a task with a specified title.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    project_id required string Project ID of the task to create.
    list_id required string Tasklist ID of the task to create.
    title required string Title of the task to create.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    task object A task object
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..title string Title of the task
    ..description string Description of the task
    ..members array IDs of members of the task
    ..checklist array Checklist of the task
    ..tags array Tags of the task
    ..comments_count number Count of the task comments
    ..color number Color of the task
    ..points number Points of the task
    ..status number Status of the task
    ..start_date date Start date of the task
    ..due_date date Due date of the task
    ..completed_date date Completed date of the task
    ..created date Date task was created
    ..updated date Date task was updated
    ..is_deleted boolean Whether the task has been deleted or not

    Get a task


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task.get

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task.get \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "task": {
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "title": "Due diligence",
        "description": "This is a description for task",
        "members": [
            "_id": "59e47174fd3f50b21074ec61",
            "is_assignee": false
        "checklist": [
            "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "title": "Due diligence",
            "is_done": false,
            "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "last_toggled_user_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "assignees": [
            "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "last_toggled_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z"
        "tags": [
        "comments_count": 5,
        "color": 1,
        "points": 2,
        "status": 0,
        "start_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "due_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "completed_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "is_deleted": false

    Get a task in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    task_id required string ID of the task


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    task object A task object
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..title string Title of the task
    ..description string Description of the task
    ..members array IDs of members of the task
    ..checklist array Checklist of the task
    ..tags array Tags of the task
    ..comments_count number Count of the task comments
    ..color number Color of the task
    ..points number Points of the task
    ..status number Status of the task
    ..start_date date Start date of the task
    ..due_date date Due date of the task
    ..completed_date date Completed date of the task
    ..created date Date task was created
    ..updated date Date task was updated
    ..is_deleted boolean Whether the task has been deleted or not

    Update a task


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task.update

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task.update \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "title": "Due diligence",
           "status": 0,
           "points": 2,
           "members": [
               "_id": "59e47174fd3f50b21074ec61",
               "is_assignee": false
           "checklist": [
               "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
               "title": "Due diligence",
               "is_done": false,
               "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
               "last_toggled_user_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
               "assignees": [
               "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
               "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
               "last_toggled_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z"
           "tags": [
           "color": 1,
           "description": "This is a description for task",
           "start_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
           "due_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
           "remind_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "task": {
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "title": "Due diligence",
        "description": "This is a description for task",
        "members": [
            "_id": "59e47174fd3f50b21074ec61",
            "is_assignee": false
        "checklist": [
            "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "title": "Due diligence",
            "is_done": false,
            "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "last_toggled_user_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "assignees": [
            "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "last_toggled_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z"
        "tags": [
        "comments_count": 5,
        "color": 1,
        "points": 2,
        "status": 0,
        "start_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "due_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "completed_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "is_deleted": false

    Updates a task by ID.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    task_id required string ID of the task to update
    title optional string New title of task
    status optional number New status of the task
    points optional number New points of the task
    members optional array New list of members of the task
    checklist optional array New checklist
    tags optional array Tags of the task
    color optional number New color of the task
    description optional string New description of the task
    start_date optional date New start date of the task set to null if you want to unset
    due_date optional date New remind date of the task set to null if you want to unset
    remind_date optional date New remind date of the task set to null if you want to unset


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    task object A task object
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..title string Title of the task
    ..description string Description of the task
    ..members array IDs of members of the task
    ..checklist array Checklist of the task
    ..tags array Tags of the task
    ..comments_count number Count of the task comments
    ..color number Color of the task
    ..points number Points of the task
    ..status number Status of the task
    ..start_date date Start date of the task
    ..due_date date Due date of the task
    ..completed_date date Completed date of the task
    ..created date Date task was created
    ..updated date Date task was updated
    ..is_deleted boolean Whether the task has been deleted or not

    Delete a task


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task.delete

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task.delete \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771"

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    Delete a task by task ID in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    task_id required string ID of the task


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response

    delete tag to a task


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task.delete-tag

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task.delete-tag \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "tags": [

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "task": {
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "title": "Due diligence",
        "description": "This is a description for task",
        "members": [
            "_id": "59e47174fd3f50b21074ec61",
            "is_assignee": false
        "checklist": [
            "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "title": "Due diligence",
            "is_done": false,
            "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "last_toggled_user_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
            "assignees": [
            "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
            "last_toggled_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z"
        "tags": [
        "comments_count": 5,
        "color": 1,
        "points": 2,
        "status": 0,
        "start_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "due_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "completed_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "created": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "updated": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "is_deleted": false

    Create a task with a specified title.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    task_id required string ID of the task
    tags required array tag ID to delete from task.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    task object A task object
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..title string Title of the task
    ..description string Description of the task
    ..members array IDs of members of the task
    ..checklist array Checklist of the task
    ..tags array Tags of the task
    ..comments_count number Count of the task comments
    ..color number Color of the task
    ..points number Points of the task
    ..status number Status of the task
    ..start_date date Start date of the task
    ..due_date date Due date of the task
    ..completed_date date Completed date of the task
    ..created date Date task was created
    ..updated date Date task was updated
    ..is_deleted boolean Whether the task has been deleted or not


    Track time


    POST {{API_PATH}}/time.create

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/time.create \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "start_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
           "end_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
           "durationSeconds": 15

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "time": {
        "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "start_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "end_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "durationSeconds": 15

    Start the "track time" feature for a task


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    task_id required string ID of the task
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    start_time required date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    end_time optional date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    durationSeconds optional number Second between start and end


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    time object A time record object string ID of the time
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..start_time date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    ..end_time date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    ..durationSeconds number Second between start and end

    Update track time


    POST {{API_PATH}}/time.update

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/time.update \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "start_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
           "end_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
           "durationSeconds": 15

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "time": {
        "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "start_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "end_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "durationSeconds": 15

    Update the tracked time for a task


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    id required string
    task_id required string ID of the task
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    start_time optional date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    end_time optional date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    durationSeconds optional number Second between start and end


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    time object A time record object string ID of the time
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..start_time date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    ..end_time date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    ..durationSeconds number Second between start and end

    Delete Track time


    POST {{API_PATH}}/time.delete

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/time.delete \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771"

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    Delete the tracked time for a task


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    id required string
    task_id required string ID of the task
    space_id required string ID of Workspace


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response

    Get a time record


    POST {{API_PATH}}/time.list

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/time.list \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "times": [
          "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
          "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
          "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
          "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
          "start_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
          "end_time": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
          "durationSeconds": 15

    Get a time record that binds to a task


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    task_id required string ID of the task


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    times array Arrays of time record string ID of the time
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..start_time date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    ..end_time date ISO 8601 time format of UTC
    ..durationSeconds number Second between start and end


    Create a task reminder


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task-reminder.create

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task-reminder.create \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "reminder_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
           "reminder_type": null

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "reminder": {
        "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "reminder_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "reminder_type": null

    Creates a Task reminder in a given task.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    task_id required string ID of the task
    reminder_date required date
    reminder_type required string


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    reminder object A Reminder object string ID of the reiminder
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..reminder_date date
    ..reminder_type string

    Delete task reminder


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task-reminder.delete

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task-reminder.delete \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "reminder": {
        "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "reminder_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "reminder_type": null

    delete a Task reminder.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    id required string


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    reminder object A Reminder object string ID of the reiminder
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..reminder_date date
    ..reminder_type string

    Updatea task reminder


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task-reminder.update

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task-reminder.update \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "reminder_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
           "reminder_type": null

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "reminder": {
        "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "reminder_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "reminder_type": null

    Update a Task reminder.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    id required string
    reminder_date required date
    reminder_type required string


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    reminder object A Reminder object string ID of the reiminder
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..reminder_date date
    ..reminder_type string

    Create a task reminder


    POST {{API_PATH}}/task-reminder.list

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/task-reminder.list \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "project_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "reminder": {
        "id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "task_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "owner_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
        "reminder_date": "2017-10-23T23:00:00.000Z",
        "reminder_type": null

    Creates a Task reminder in a given task.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    project_id required string ID of the project
    task_id required string ID of the task


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    reminder object A Reminder object string ID of the reiminder
    ..task_id string ID of the task
    ..owner_id string ID of the owner of the task
    ..space_id string Workspace ID of the task
    ..reminder_date date
    ..reminder_type string


    Create a message


    POST {{API_PATH}}/message.create

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/message.create \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "parent_id": "59eecc61b0a6a6bc832ec5a5",
           "parent_type": "channel",
           "body": "hello moto"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
      "parent_type": "channel",
      "parent_id": "59eecc8bb0a6a6bc8334dcff",
      "message_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1f1",
      "body": "Chris! In my office. NOW!!!",
      "reactions": [
          "userId": "59eecc8bb0a6a6bc8334dcff",
          "reaction": "wow"
          "userId": "59eecc8eb0a6a6bc83aae746",
          "reaction": "like"
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "is_edited": true,
      "is_deleted": false

    Creates a message in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the message to create.
    parent_id required string ID of the parent of the message to create.
    parent_type required string Parent type of the message to update. Can be task or channel.
    body required string Body of the message to create.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the message
    owner_id string User ID of the message owner
    parent_type string Type of the parent containing the message. Can be either channel for a chat message or task for comments on tasks.
    parent_id string ID of the parent containing the message. For example, if the parent is a channel, the parent_id is equal to the channel_id
    message_id string ID of the message
    body string Body of the message
    reactions array an array of reactions of the message
    created string Date message was created
    updated string Date message was updated
    is_edited boolean Whether the message was edited or not
    is_deleted boolean Whether the message was deleted or not

    get all messages


    POST {{API_PATH}}/message.get-all

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/message.get-all \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "parent_id": "59eecc61b0a6a6bc832ec5a5",
           "parent_type": "channel",
           "skip": 10,
           "since": "2017-08-01T23:00:00.000Z",
           "until": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
           "limit": 10

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
      "parent_type": "channel",
      "parent_id": "59eecc8bb0a6a6bc8334dcff",
      "message_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1f1",
      "body": "Chris! In my office. NOW!!!",
      "reactions": [
          "userId": "59eecc8bb0a6a6bc8334dcff",
          "reaction": "wow"
          "userId": "59eecc8eb0a6a6bc83aae746",
          "reaction": "like"
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "is_edited": true,
      "is_deleted": false

    gets all messages in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the message to get.
    parent_id required string ID of the parent of the message to get.
    parent_type required string Parent type of the message to update. Can be task or channel.
    skip optional number Skips the number of messages specified.
    since optional date Get Messages since specified date.
    until optional date Get Messages until specified date.
    limit optional number Maximum number of messages to get.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the message
    owner_id string User ID of the message owner
    parent_type string Type of the parent containing the message. Can be either channel for a chat message or task for comments on tasks.
    parent_id string ID of the parent containing the message. For example, if the parent is a channel, the parent_id is equal to the channel_id
    message_id string ID of the message
    body string Body of the message
    reactions array an array of reactions of the message
    created string Date message was created
    updated string Date message was updated
    is_edited boolean Whether the message was edited or not
    is_deleted boolean Whether the message was deleted or not

    Update a message


    POST {{API_PATH}}/message.update

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/message.update \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "parent_id": "59eecc61b0a6a6bc832ec5a5",
           "parent_type": "channel",
           "message_id": "59eecc78b0a6a6bc831a5a9f",
           "body": "hello moto"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
      "parent_type": "channel",
      "parent_id": "59eecc8bb0a6a6bc8334dcff",
      "message_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1f1",
      "body": "Chris! In my office. NOW!!!",
      "reactions": [
          "userId": "59eecc8bb0a6a6bc8334dcff",
          "reaction": "wow"
          "userId": "59eecc8eb0a6a6bc83aae746",
          "reaction": "like"
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "is_edited": true,
      "is_deleted": false

    Updates a message in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the message to update.
    parent_id required string ID of the parent of the message to update.
    parent_type required string Parent type of the message to update. Can be task or channel.
    message_id required string ID of the message to update.
    body required string Body of the message to update.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the message
    owner_id string User ID of the message owner
    parent_type string Type of the parent containing the message. Can be either channel for a chat message or task for comments on tasks.
    parent_id string ID of the parent containing the message. For example, if the parent is a channel, the parent_id is equal to the channel_id
    message_id string ID of the message
    body string Body of the message
    reactions array an array of reactions of the message
    created string Date message was created
    updated string Date message was updated
    is_edited boolean Whether the message was edited or not
    is_deleted boolean Whether the message was deleted or not

    Delete a message


    POST {{API_PATH}}/message.delete

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/message.delete \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "message_id": "59eecc78b0a6a6bc831a5a9f"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
      "parent_type": "channel",
      "parent_id": "59eecc8bb0a6a6bc8334dcff",
      "message_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1f1",
      "body": "Chris! In my office. NOW!!!",
      "reactions": [
          "userId": "59eecc8bb0a6a6bc8334dcff",
          "reaction": "wow"
          "userId": "59eecc8eb0a6a6bc83aae746",
          "reaction": "like"
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "is_edited": true,
      "is_deleted": false

    Deletes a message in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the message to delete.
    message_id required string ID of the message to delete


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the message
    owner_id string User ID of the message owner
    parent_type string Type of the parent containing the message. Can be either channel for a chat message or task for comments on tasks.
    parent_id string ID of the parent containing the message. For example, if the parent is a channel, the parent_id is equal to the channel_id
    message_id string ID of the message
    body string Body of the message
    reactions array an array of reactions of the message
    created string Date message was created
    updated string Date message was updated
    is_edited boolean Whether the message was edited or not
    is_deleted boolean Whether the message was deleted or not


    Create a tag


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tag.create

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tag.create \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "name": "important",
           "color": 4

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
      "owner_id": "59eecc6bb0a6a6bc8318c107",
      "tag_id": "59eecc6bb0a6a6bc8318c003",
      "name": "urgent",
      "color": null,
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z"

    Creates a tag in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tag to create.
    name required string Name of the tag to create.
    color required number Assign a color to the tag by specifying the number of the color. Can be an integer between 0 and 10.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the tag
    owner_id string User ID of owner of the tag
    tag_id string ID of the tag
    name string Name of the tag
    color number Color of the tag
    created string Date tag was created
    updated string Date tag was updated

    Update a tag


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tag.update

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tag.update \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "tag_id": "59eecc75b0a6a6bc83217ba1",
           "name": "even more urgent!",
           "color": 2

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
      "owner_id": "59eecc6bb0a6a6bc8318c107",
      "tag_id": "59eecc6bb0a6a6bc8318c003",
      "name": "urgent",
      "color": null,
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z"

    Updates a tag in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tag to update.
    tag_id required string ID of the tag to update.
    name required string New name to give the tag.
    color optional number New color to give the tag.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the tag
    owner_id string User ID of owner of the tag
    tag_id string ID of the tag
    name string Name of the tag
    color number Color of the tag
    created string Date tag was created
    updated string Date tag was updated

    Get all tags


    POST {{API_PATH}}/tag.get-all

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/tag.get-all \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "search": "marketings",
           "max": 30

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
      "owner_id": "59eecc6bb0a6a6bc8318c107",
      "tag_id": "59eecc6bb0a6a6bc8318c003",
      "name": "urgent",
      "color": null,
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z"

    Get all tags in a given workspace. A search string can be specified.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the tags to get.
    search optional string Specify a keyword to search for.
    max optional number Maximum number of tags to get. Can be an integer between 25 and 3000.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the tag
    owner_id string User ID of owner of the tag
    tag_id string ID of the tag
    name string Name of the tag
    color number Color of the tag
    created string Date tag was created
    updated string Date tag was updated


    Add a checklist item


    POST {{API_PATH}}/checklist.add-item

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/checklist.add-item \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "task_id": "59eecc75b0a6a6bc83217ba1",
           "title": "Read flash boys",
           "is_done": true

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    Add a checklist item to a specific task in a given workspace


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    task_id required string ID of the task to add the checklist item to.
    title required string Title of the checklist item to create
    is_done optional boolean Whether the checklist item is done or not. False by default.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response

    Delete a checklist item


    POST {{API_PATH}}/checklist.delete-item

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/checklist.delete-item \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "task_id": "59eecc75b0a6a6bc83217ba1",
           "checklist_item_id": "59eecc84b0a6a6bc832ccb8f"

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    delete a checklist item in a specific task in a given workspace


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    task_id required string Task ID of the checklist item to delete
    checklist_item_id required string ID of the checklist item to delete


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response

    Update a checklist item


    POST {{API_PATH}}/checklist.update-item

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/checklist.update-item \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "position": 0,
           "task_id": "59eecc75b0a6a6bc83217ba1",
           "title": "Read flash boys",
           "is_done": true,
           "checklist_item_id": null

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    Update a checklist item to a specific task in a given workspace


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    position optional number Position of checklist item.
    task_id required string Task ID of the checklist item to update
    title optional string Title of the checklist item to update
    is_done optional boolean Whether the checklist item is done or not. False by default.
    checklist_item_id required string ID of the checklist item to update.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response


    Create a channel


    POST {{API_PATH}}/channel.create

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/channel.create \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "title": "Gamers at work",
           "description": "This is a channel for all the gamers in the office.",
           "isPrivate": true,
           "members": [
           "create_direct_channel": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
      "channel_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1f1",
      "title": "Announcements",
      "description": "A company wide announcement channel",
      "last_messages_created_time": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "message_count": 15,
      "photo": "catpictures dot com slash grumpy cat",
      "is_general": true,
      "is_private": true,
      "is_direct": false,
      "members": [
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "is_deleted": false

    Creates a group/direct channel in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the channel to create.
    title required string Title of the channel to create.
    description optional string Description of the channel to create.
    isPrivate optional boolean Specifies whether the channel is public or private. Only used when creating a group channel.
    members optional array An array of user IDs of the channel to create. Only used when creating a group channel.
    create_direct_channel optional string User ID with whom to setup a direct channel with. Only used when creating a direct channel.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the channel
    owner_id string ID of the owner of the channel
    channel_id string ID of the channel
    title string Title of the channel
    description string Description of the channel
    last_messages_created_time string Date and time of the last message created.
    message_count number Number of messages the channel currently has.
    photo string Link to the photo of the channel
    is_general boolean Whether the channel is general or not
    is_private boolean Specifies whether the channel is public or private. Only used when creating a group channel.
    is_direct boolean Whether the channel is a direct channel or not.
    members array An array of user IDs of the channel to create. Only used when creating a group channel.
    created string Date channel was created
    updated string Date channel was last updated
    is_deleted boolean Whether the channel was deleted or not

    Get all channels


    POST {{API_PATH}}/channel.get-all

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/channel.get-all \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "max": 10

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
      "channel_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1f1",
      "title": "Announcements",
      "description": "A company wide announcement channel",
      "last_messages_created_time": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "message_count": 15,
      "photo": "catpictures dot com slash grumpy cat",
      "is_general": true,
      "is_private": true,
      "is_direct": false,
      "members": [
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "is_deleted": false

    Get all channels in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the channels to get.
    max optional number Maximum number of channels to get. Can be any number from 1 to 5000.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the channel
    owner_id string ID of the owner of the channel
    channel_id string ID of the channel
    title string Title of the channel
    description string Description of the channel
    last_messages_created_time string Date and time of the last message created.
    message_count number Number of messages the channel currently has.
    photo string Link to the photo of the channel
    is_general boolean Whether the channel is general or not
    is_private boolean Specifies whether the channel is public or private. Only used when creating a group channel.
    is_direct boolean Whether the channel is a direct channel or not.
    members array An array of user IDs of the channel to create. Only used when creating a group channel.
    created string Date channel was created
    updated string Date channel was last updated
    is_deleted boolean Whether the channel was deleted or not

    update a channel


    POST {{API_PATH}}/channel.update

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/channel.update \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "channel_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da275231",
           "title": "New Accounting Department",
           "description": "We updated the channel to exclude employees that are no longer working for us.",
           "isPrivate": true,
           "members": [

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "space_id": "59eecc5eb0a6a6bc832ea68f",
      "owner_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1fb",
      "channel_id": "59eecc68b0a6a6bc832ac1f1",
      "title": "Announcements",
      "description": "A company wide announcement channel",
      "last_messages_created_time": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "message_count": 15,
      "photo": "catpictures dot com slash grumpy cat",
      "is_general": true,
      "is_private": true,
      "is_direct": false,
      "members": [
      "created": "2017-09-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updated": "2017-10-01T23:00:00.000Z",
      "is_deleted": false

    updates a group/direct channel in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace
    channel_id required string ID of the channel to update
    title required string New title of the channel
    description optional string New description of the channel
    isPrivate optional boolean Specifies whether the channel is public or private. Only used when updating a group channel.
    members optional array An array of user IDs of the channel to update. Only used when updating a group channel.


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    space_id string Workspace ID of the channel
    owner_id string ID of the owner of the channel
    channel_id string ID of the channel
    title string Title of the channel
    description string Description of the channel
    last_messages_created_time string Date and time of the last message created.
    message_count number Number of messages the channel currently has.
    photo string Link to the photo of the channel
    is_general boolean Whether the channel is general or not
    is_private boolean Specifies whether the channel is public or private. Only used when creating a group channel.
    is_direct boolean Whether the channel is a direct channel or not.
    members array An array of user IDs of the channel to create. Only used when creating a group channel.
    created string Date channel was created
    updated string Date channel was last updated
    is_deleted boolean Whether the channel was deleted or not

    Delete a channel


    POST {{API_PATH}}/channel.delete

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/channel.delete \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771",
           "channel_id": "59eecc8bb0a6a6bc8334dcff"

    Example Response

      "ok": true

    Deletes a group/direct channel in a given workspace.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the channel to delete.
    channel_id required string ID of the channel to delete


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response


    Get user info


    POST {{API_PATH}}/user.get-info

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/user.get-info \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39",
           "email": ""

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "user": {
        "user_id": "jfkelajfeklajfelaj123",
        "email": "",
        "first_name": "Peter",
        "last_name": "Griffin"

    Gets user info by email in a given workspace


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the users to get
    email required string Email of the user to get


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    user object
    ..user_id string ID of the user string email of the user
    ..first_name string First name
    ..last_name string Last name


    Get workspaces


    POST {{API_PATH}}/workspace.get-all

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/workspace.get-all \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "workspaces": [
          "_id": null,
          "name": null

    Gets workspaces


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    workspaces array
    .._id string string

    Get all workspaces users


    POST {{API_PATH}}/workspace.get-user

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/workspace.get-user \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc4bb0a6a6bc83f5fc39"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "users": [
          "_id": null,
          "email": null,
          "first_name": null,
          "last_name": null

    Gets all active workspace user


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string Workspace ID of the users to get


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    users array
    .._id string string
    ..first_name string
    ..last_name string


    List Color data


    POST {{API_PATH}}/color.list

    Example Request

    $curl -X POST {{API_PATH}}/color.list \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d @- << EOF
           "access_token": "59eecc96åb0a6a6bc83112d65",
           "space_id": "59eecc55b0a6a6bc83da2771"

    Example Response

      "ok": true,
      "colors": [
          "index": null,
          "name": null,
          "code": null

    List a color meta data that use with tag and label in task world.


    Field Default Type Description
    access_token required string Access token for authentication
    space_id required string ID of Workspace


    Field Type Description
    ok boolean the status of response
    colors array
    ..index string index of the color string name of the color
    ..code string hex code value of the color